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2023 NSF Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI) Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting

September 26-27, 2023  /  Houston Marriott Westchase  /  Houston, TX


This In-Person Meeting is Co-located with NSF CyberTraining

2023 NSF CSSI PI Meeting

Final Report

The CSSI PI meeting extends community building efforts of past Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI2) and CSSI workshops. It provides a forum for:

  • sharing technical information about projects while networking with other colleagues, initiatives, and NSF program directors; 

  • exploring innovative topics emerging in the software and data infrastructure communities; 

  • discussing and learning about community practices; 

  • stimulating new ideas for achieving software and data sustainability and ensuring a diverse pipeline of CI researchers and professionals.


At least one representative (PI/Co-PI/senior personnel) from each active CSSI project is required by NSF to attend the meeting and present a poster on their project. For a collaborative project with multiple awards, only one representative from the entire project is required.   If the PI is unavailable they can identify someone else to represent the project. Please reach out to your cognizant PO from NSF if you have further questions.  NSF contact: Varun Chandola.           
At NSF’s request, we extend a special invitation to researchers from the Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) and OAC Core Research (OAC Core) programs to participate in the meeting.


We welcome abstracts for posters and short oral presentations. Talks may showcase your project but should also connect to the community by suggesting ways to partner, lessons learned from your project, or other aspects that are generalizable to the wider audience. (A limited number of oral presentations will be selected for breakouts and/or panels and will be 5-7 minutes in length.)    Submit HERE.  Due September 15


Past CSSI PI Meetings





Image by Braňo
Important Dates

Abstract submission: August 18
Registration: September 8
Hotel group rate cutoff: September 8
Meeting dates:  September 26th at 8 am - September 27th at 3 PM.

Poster (pdf) upload: September 29

Contact Us

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

This work is supported through the National Science Foundation award # 2332200.

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